
This bundle-cli template allows static documentation for components from markdown documents


1. See pkg.scripts

npm start

bundle src/**/*.md docs --watch --server --template template/template.html

This script allows you to create a livereload mode server that serves markdown files

Where :

  1. src/**/*.md: expression for fast-glob, this will import all the files that comply with the expression.
  2. --watch: It allows to observe the changes of the files associated to the expression, existing or to exist.
  3. --server : Create a server by combining with the --watch flag enables livereload mode of the server.
  4. --template template/template.html: allows to append the use of a superior template to nest the associated markdown files.

Console output example

server running on http://localhost:8000 # destination directory server

bundle: 15ms # bundle creation duration

npm run build:docs This script allows you to run the build for production of the npm start script.

npm build:components

bundle src/components/**/*-*.js ./ --minify --external

This script allows you to export the associated web-components

Where :

  1. src/components/**/*-*.js: look for files that match the expression, eg src/components/my-header/my-header.js.
  2. --minify: Minify css and js code
  3. --external: Lets consider pkg.dependencies as external dependencies.